O Lord
Have mercy on the soul of
Eliza Jordan
who died 20th April 1848
aged 60 years
Also James Jordan
who died 23 October 1872 aged 72 years
and of Anne Jordan died 2nd August 1860
age 26 and of Mary Jordan died 20th August
1863 aged 31 and also of John Jordan who
died 17 December 1872 age 34
Erected to their memory by Daniel Jordan
Description: Top – Celtic Cross with, in relief, entwined roman I H S with expanded terminals in the centre of a diamond border each end of which is decorated with a Botonee Cross all enclosed in a incised plain border which continues through the neck to surround the inscription panel. The incised inscription is in plain lettering with the names in Capitals. The stone sits on a plain plinth.