Have mercy
on the soul of
Patrick O'Roarke Clonmore
who died 13 April 1868 aged 78 years
Also his wife Bridget who died
27 June 1847 aged 37 years
Also their daughter Margaret
who died 15 May 1848 aged 4 years
And their daughter ELLEN who died
19 March 1850 aged 12 years
May they rest in peace
Cross atop a coffin shaped stone with rounded shoulders. a very decorative I H S is in the centre of the Cross enclosed in a very decorative diamond shape, all in false relief. Each shoulder of the stone has a decorative "Maltese" Cross. The incised script consists of capitals (Names) and lower case lettering. The entire stone has an incised single line border.
The names and address of the stone mason is inscribed on the bottom