Gloria in Excelsis deo
Memento Mori
The United Parishes of Lucan and Palmerstown
erected this tombe stone over the mortal remains | of Revd James
RC Curate of the said parishes
(as a) grateful tribute of their respect for and
(as a) lasting monument of their sincere regret
(of the lo)ss of that worthy clergyman by whose
(death society) was deprived of a valuable member
and religion one of her most zealous Ministers
Lamentable to add! He fell a victim to the
... sacrilegious hands of a sanguinary banditi
by whom he was robbed and murdered on the
Hill of Lucan on the 3rd day of June A.D. 1807 and in the 42nd year of
his age.
Requiescant in Pace Amen