Erected to the memory of John Mulhall of Garrentaggart, who departed life 11th February 1889 aged ....... years, also of his only daughter, Mrs. Bessie Maria Delaney who died 23rd April 1852 aged 22 years, John who died 5th April 1869 aged 19 years, also of two grandchildren of the above Patrick and Mary, children of Mrs. Mulhall of Maryborough, also to the memory of the children of the above named John Mulhall who died young, also son of the above named Mr. James Mulhall of Ballyriley who departed this life 25th April 1871 aged ----- and his infant daughter Bridget, also Mr. Edward Mulhall who died on the 16th May 1871 and his wife Kate who died 4th April 1886, aged 56 years, also John Mulhall of Garrentaggart, son of the above named James Mulhall, who died at Webster City, IOWA, U.S.A. 23rd April 1906, aged 45 years, also Anne, wife of the above named James who died 23rd October 1923, aged 90 years and their son James A. Mulhall of Pass who died 7th March 1925 aged 53 years. Rest in peace, Amen.