
Record Date: 
28 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

HERE • LIETH • [THE] • BODY • [OF] ROGER • BOY • OF INNI[?S] [?S] I N...

Grave location
Additional details
Hayward (1952), 44 passim and illus. p. 45.
People commemorated: 

This stone was a large Rect. slab which was originally trapezoidal but has been trimmed down and heavily pocked over more than three quarters of its surface. It has been reused as paving, the top and bottom of the stone and part of the lower right side have been cut away so that the Ins. is missing in these areas. The stone bears a large cross flanked by vocational symbols (all incised) and parts of an Ins. which is cut in low false relief. The cross is double-armed and the arm-shafts are linked in each instance by pairs of curved, incised lines. The terminals of the cross/arms and the intermediate finials are decorated with fleurs-de-lis and foliated lobes. The cross-base is heavily "moulded" and flanked on the left by a pair of scissors and a "staff" (a ruler or yard stick?) on the right. Inc'd. Ins. in low false relief.