Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1877), "Thomas Worrall Somerville, abode St. Francis Street, buried 15th Octr. 1877, aged 28 years". The Galway Mercury. July 7th. (1849). Birth. "On the 6th instant, at Eyre Square, the late R.N. Somerville of a son". (This is the Thomas W. Somerville mentioned on the stone). The Galwav Express. October 13th. (1877). Death notice. "The public will regret to hear chronicled the death of Thomas Worrall Somerville, eldest son of R.N. Somerville, Esq., J.P., St. Francis'Street Galway...". The Galway Express. October 20th. (1877). Died. "Funeral of Thomas Worrall Somerville Esq.", (short account of the funeral) ..."a very large and respectable concourse followed die remains to the grave, where the Rev. Mr. O'Sullivan assisted by Rev. Mr. Black read the burial service. He was laid beside his relatives, Mrs. Hallowell and Miss Worrell, where he sleeps until the resurrection". Mr. R.N. Somerville, the father of Thomas Worrell Somerville, was an agent for the Britannia Life Assurance Company (See Advert, in The Galwav Vindicator. March 3rd. (1864)).