
Record Date: 
6 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

George Frederick De Carteret Aged 22 years Died March 21st 1843

Grave location
Additional details
Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1843), "George Frederic De Carteret of the 30 Reg., abode Barrack, buried 24th of March 1843, aged 22 years". The Galway Weekly Advertiser. March 25th. (1843). A long obituary and an account of the funeral. "Melancholy Accident". He was drowned accidently in the docks. The account spells his surname wrongly and names him "George Frederick De Carterot." He and some other officers were on the "Raven", Revenue Cutter and on their return to the barracks De Carteret lost his footing and fell into the Docks. "We understand that the verdict [at the Inquest] of the Jury was accompanied, as it should be, by a strong remonstrance to the Board of Public Works for their culpable neglegt in not having the Docks properly lighted, which if so would have averted this melancholy catastrophe, as well as many similar ones which have occured since their completion".
People commemorated: 

A Rect. R.S. with a two-line Inc'd. border and Ins.. Uncovered in 1990. There is a further, more elaborate monument to this individual inside the church (See No. 286). A portrait of the deceased exists at St. Quen's Manor, Jersey, the ancestoral home of the De Carterets.