
Record Date: 
21 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Here are intered the Remain of Forster Griffin who depa rted this life the 41th! of August Aged 36 Years SACRED ALSO TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES MACSWINNEY WHO DIED ON THE 1ST APRIL 1875 AGED 64 YEARS. AND OF TRANT JAMES HIS INFANT SON. 1817

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Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1847), "James Trant Mac Swinney, abode Shop Street, buried August 26th 1847, aged one year and 11 months". The Galway Express. April 3rd. (1875). Obituary. "At Shop St. Galway, on the 1st. inst. Dr. Me Swinney, aged 64, after a long illness, which he bore with a Christian fortitude and resignation. The deceased gentleman earned the esteem and respect of all classes of society...". Vestrv Minute Books (Vol. II), May 25th. (1881). "That Mr. Millar's application with regard to Mr. (sic.) Me Swiney's tombstone having been brought forward, it was resolved to allow the stone to be raised not more than 2ft. on payment of £2; but that the charge for a railing be £5. ibid. November 23rd. (1881), 116. Mr. Millar was asked to send a plan of the railings which were to be erected.
People commemorated: 

A Rect. R.S. with Inc'd. Ins.. The upper comers are curved and there is a two-line border. The slab is enclosed within six ashlar bases which once contained a railing.