
Record Date: 
28 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

[Blank Slab]

Grave location
Additional details
The second name could be John Mandeville. He is listed in Hardiman (1820), 225-6 as being sheriff in the years 1749, 1753 and 1761. A Henry Ellis (who was sheriff in 1731, 1735 and 1736 and mayor in 1739 and 1763) may be connected with the latter surname. (See Hardiman ibid. 226 and Hely Dutton (1824), 311, 312 and 315).
People commemorated: 

An uninscribed gravestone which has been laid on its side to form a retaining wall in the graveyard. The surface of the stone has been pocked over at a later date. 93 & 93 A ELLTS and MANDEVILLE Here are inte[r]ed the Remains of C Ellis [Joh]n Mandeville Ellis who died [o]f February 1817 Two fragments of a graveslab one of which has been used as part of the retaining wall in the graveyard. Only the top part of the Inc'd. Ins. can now be seen. The stone has an incised doubleline border. It was probably broken up for kerbing when No. 94 was erected. See also No. 270 for another Ellis.