TO THE MEMORY OF THE REVD JOHN D’ARCY. M.A. RECTOR OF GALWAY who died 2nd Sepr 1875 Aged 82 years. He laboured in GALWAY for 55 years and was the most zealous promoter of nearly every benevolent work and public improvement undertaken for the Town during that period. The gift of GOD. is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST, our LORD. Roms C.6.V.23. This stone is placed here by his Widowed wife and his children in testimony of their love. A H.S. with an ashlar base and a rounded top. The bulk of the stone is worked. It is situated inside a grave-surround which was originally railed in. Inc'd. Ins.. Much has been written about this well-known clergyman and his time at St. Nicholas'. There are two memorials to him in the church. The other, a brass plaque (No. 397), gives some biographical details. He came to Galway in 1821, was a vicar of the church from 1821-64 and rector between 1864 and 1872. He was bom in 1792 and died in 1875. John D'Arcy was ordained in 1820 and was prominent in the affairs of the town, he was one of those responsible for the building of the Claddagh Basin and also created employment by bringing weavers from Ulster to teach people how to weave calico. He was secretary of the Harbour Commissioners and was involved in many of the improvements which took place in the town for over fifty years. See also No. 397, (which commemorates the same man), for further references to his relatives. References Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1875), "John D'Arcy, abode Prospect Hill, Galway, buried September 6th, aged 82". The Galwav Independent Paper. November 14th. (1829), (re. his appointment as Commissioner of the Peace). The Galway Mercury. December 21st. (1850), (re. birth of his daughter). The Galway Mercury. January 2nd. (1847), (re. his association with employment provided by the Galway Relief Committee). The Galway Express. September 12th. (1875). (Obituary and extensive biographical notes). "The Rev. John D'Arcy" and ibid- "Funeral of Rev. John D'Arcy". Vestrv Minute Books (Vol II), April 15th. (1878), 79. Permission given by the Select Vestry for the erection of a monument to Revd. D'Arcy.
A H.S. with a large base and triangular upper end. The top is pedimented and held an urn which has been broken off. The top, sides and base of the stone have been tooled. Inc'd. Ins.. The urn was broken in 1984 and one fragment lost. This was found in 1990 under a gravestone moved in 1984 and the fragments have since been repaired and replaced. It was moved to its present position in 1984.