In memory of
Thomas Hutton Maltster Burgess
Lanark died 11th August 1730 aged 39.
Jean Bannatyne his spouse died
21st September 1776 aged 81.
John Hutton Maltster and Burgess
Lanark son of the above died 21 Nov
1783 aged 69. Christian Howison daughter
of James Howison of Hyndford his spouse died
1st May 1787 aged 65.
Mary Hutton their daughter died 21st March
1805. Marion Hutton their daughter died
7th Sept 1810. Jean Hutton their
daughter relict of John Wilson sometime
Town Clark of Lanark died 7th March 1819.
Grizel Hutton, their daughter died 27th
June 1831. Christian Hutton, their daughter
relict of Thomas Watkins Merchant son of
John Watkins of Sholton Shropshire died 18th
July 1837 interred at Douglas.
James Hutton of Calderbank their son died
2nd October 1837 interred in Blantyre Church