First side
Thomas Waldie
in affectionate remembrance
of Mary Whitehead his wife
Eldest daughter of
George Whitehead, Farmer
Marton near Hull who died
at Holmfoot 12th October 1868
in her 40th year
Other side
Emma his 2nd child
born at Meadowspott by Dalkieth
died 17th Decr 1849 aged 6 years and --
months she rests with my fathers
and kindred in the New Battle Kirk Yard
also his father who died 18th June
1859 aged 76 years. His 7th child died
at Sighthill 30th Decr aged 6 years
and 5 months
Though young they died in the Lord
Thomas Waldie
died 18th September 1886
aged 74 years
"Until the day break
and the shadows flee away"