Robert Logan
a sacred and affectionate memorial
Catherine Dunsmure Orr
wife of Robert Logan of Corromore. L.R.C.S.E.
born 19th May 1807 died 5th Feby 1881.
Of their children
Jane Catherine Dunsmure
born 12th April 1845 died --th Feb 1849
and Lucy Maria Courtayne.
born 1st Jany 1851 died --th 1852
also their son ---- Orr.
born 16th Aug 18-- died in India
22nd Sept ----
D- Logan
born May 19th
died May 20th
Also their son Daniel Manson
born 9th DecR 1847
died at Braehead 17th OctR 1906
Also their son John Orr Logan
born 25th January 1841
died 18th September 1908
"We which have believed do enter into rest."