
Record Date: 
8 August 2012
Exact wording of epitaph: 

In loving memory of John McCormack late of Reask died 23 June 1818, Denis McCormack Ballyvalode his wife Mary (nee Mullany) their son Patrick died 1905 his wife Catherine nee Coffey died 1936 their daughter Ann Mary died 1909 their sons Dr. Michael died 1926 Denis Knockcreana died 1939 James Dublin died 1951 John McCormack Old Pallas died 1925 his wife their sons Denis died 1918 Jim died 1946 John died 1947 Daughters Josie died Katheen died Babies Michael and Mary died 25th June 1970 Rest in peace McCormack At back of stone – John McCormack Ballyvalode his wife Brigid nee Corby interred in adjoining cemetery

Grave location