Beneath this tomb are deposited the
mortal remains of the Rev. John Lowther
Vicar of the Collogiate Church of Galway
and Parish Priest of Rahoon who departd
this life on the 11th of Octr 1839 agd 93 yrs
Here are also interred the remains of his
sister Margaret Usher and her son Luke Usher
in memory of whom this monument has been
erected by the Rev George Usher
Grant to their souls O Lord eternal rest
and let perpetual light shine upon them
Also have mercy on the soul of thy
servant Revd George Ussher PPVF
of Oughterard who died on the 13th
of April 1875 aged 77 years
and on the soul of Edward Wade
who died on the 3rd of Jly 1884
aged 82 years
and his wife Mary who departed
this life on the 9th of Dec 1886
aged 67 years
And bring them to the
enjoyment of eternal bliss