
Record Date: 
19 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Hoc Signo Vicimus. Merciful Jesus, give eternal rest to the soul of Alderman F. Higgins J.P. who died at St. Helens, Sligo, the 9th July 1902, aged 61 years, also his daughter Minnie Higgins who died 14th May 1902, aged 20 years. Fold them 0 Father in thine arms, and let them henceforth, be as messengers of love, between our human hearts and thee. Also his beloved wife Mary Agnes Higgins who died 10th March 1931 aged 99 years. R.I.P. Miserere Nobis. J. M. J. of your charity, pray for the soul of Honoria, wife of Patrick Keighron, J. P. Sligo, who died 26th June 1885, aged 56 years, also of their daughter Teresa who died 3rd May 1886, aged 22 years, and of their son Michael James who died 23rd May 1895, aged 37 years R.I.P. In loving memory of Winifred Higgins, beloved wife of James P. Higgins, Cregg House, Sligo who died 12ht August 1933 R.I.P. Hoc Signo Vicimus. Merciful Jesus have mercy on the soul of Patrick Keighron. J.P. The Mall, Sligo, who died August 1st 1906, aged 92 years, also his brother Michael Keighron who died December 30th 1906, aged 83 years, R.I.P. In loving memory of Thomas Rouse M.D. who died Feb. 8th 1942, aged 62 years. R.I.P. I.N.R.I. Miserere Nobis..J.M.J. to the memory of Francis , infant son of-Alderman Higgins J.P.. Sligo who died 16th May 1881, aged 5 months. "Suffer little children to come unto me". In loving memory of James P. HigginsCregg House, Sligo who died Feb. 24th 1933,aged 53 years R.I.P.

Memorial Type: 
Pedestal with column
Grave location
People commemorated: 
Date of death - day: 
Date of death - month: 
Date of death - year: