
Record Date: 
28 October 2024
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Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1849), "Lachlan Mac Lachlain, abode Nun's Island, Galway, buried May 1st 1849, aged 60 yrs". The Galway Independent Paper. October 28th. (1829). "Public Meeting Repeal of the Galway Act, Improvement of the Harbor Galway." Mr. Lachlan Mac Laughlan was chairman of the committee for Parliamentary Reform. The Galway Independent Paper. March 19th.(1830). "Galway Reform Meeting." "Lachlan Mac Lachlan, Esq., J.P. in the chair.” [On this occasion chairmanship was ending and he was vacating the chair to P.M. Lynch Esq.] The Galwav Mercury. January 2nd. (1847). "Relief Committee". Lachlan Mac Lachlan was chairman of the Galway Relief Committee. The Galway Mercury. January 2nd.(1847). "Monday" (Re. the Galway Relief Committee and the provision of their soup kitchen). y ( J 380 ^ O'TIERNAGH and GONOHIU for ONOHILH [7DONOGHUE] HIR • LIETH • THE • BODI OF ON • MORIERT[AGH?] O'TIERNAGH • AND • HIS-WIF KATE RINA • NIG ONO —— ( or NI GONO—) HIS • BROTHER • TEIGE • OG • CV PERS • AN • DNI 1580 M TEIG Notes This trapezoidal slab is situated in the East wall of the Lynch Transept. Though now set in the wall it was originally recumbent. It is carved in low false relief with an inscription around its border. The stone is divided into several carved panels. At the top is an elaborate panel of "Gaelic Revival" Celtic interlace formed from a saltire cross and a lozenge. Where these features meet they are linked by eight semi-circles and a central circle. The two panels immediately below are divided by a wide cross-shaft. Each panel is decorated with a repeat-pattern consisting of s-shaped foliate scrolls. A moulding occurs on the base of the cross-shaft between these. Below this there is a large modem repair in concrete, where part of the slab is missing. A modem false cross-shaft has been created by drawing lines in the cement. This is not an original feature. It seems to have been misinterpreted by a modem "restorer" as an extra cross-arm. On the right of the cross-shaft is a setsquare and on the opposite side is a large adze or axe. Both of these tools are damaged. Beneath the vocational symbols just mentioned there is an elaborate moulded base on which the cross-shaft rests. The decoration is all carved in low false relief. Most of the words of the inscription are separated by small lozenge-shaped stops. The name M. TEIG occurs amid the decoration on the lower part of the stone. This might be a sculptor's name. References Cooke (1895), 295 mentions the inscribed slab of".. Moriert... O'Tiemagh, 1580" in passing. FitzGerald (1895-97), 465. Fleetwood Berry (1912 A), 12 gives a largely accurate reading of this inscription except for the spelling of the word "here" (HIR) and the "MORIERTH" (MORIERT). Fleetwood Berry (1912 B), 67. As above. He gives Moriertha for MORIERT in this version. Fleetwood Berry, (Ed. Higgins) (1989), 67 footnote. Hardiman (1820), 252. He gives a slightly garbled reading of the inscription. Todd (1852-7), 223-4. Cat. No. 381. A revival of the use of interlaced ornament took place in Ireland in the later Middle Ages. This may partly be attributed to the Gaelic Resurgence which took place after the 14th century. Drawing by Jim Higgins. IA. u) C*JJ' p&oblts'H 1A1H aos ^ Hu 3 g I U-4 £ ^ * c € Cat. No. 380. This, a fine late 16th century tombstone was originally recumbent. The mixture of Gaelic revival interlace and Renaissance-derived plant forms is found on several pieces of Galway sculpture, including the Athy doorway of1577, now located on top of the Spanish Arch and a fireplace lintel of the mid 16th century found in 1992 at the site of the old McDonogh's Fertilizer factory near the Wolfe Tone Bridge. Similar combinations of such ornament occur on Irish leatherwork and on other funerary monuments. In Scotlatid these types of ornament appeared together from between 50 and 80 years earlier than here. Is the name M. Teig that of a sculptor, and is the small leaf-shaped pattern beneath the name a mason's mark? Outline sketch by Jim Higgins. 'Z
People commemorated: 

A white marble plaque in a moulded plaster frame. The frame is pseudo-Gothic in style and is decorated with a pair of pilasters. The top, which is triangular, is decorated with billeting and ends as a crocketed finial. The pediment contains what appears to be a crest and motto scroll. The crest consists of a castellated gateway with three turrets resting on a crest wreath. The motto scroll is plain. Panels of diaper patterns and cusped ogee-headed configurations occur beneath the crest. For Lachlan MacLachlan and his relatives see also No. 153. This well-known figure was very involved in the affairs of the town and also in numerous business ventures. He brought fishing trawlers to Galway - which lead to a dispute with the Claddagh fishermen - and was involved in Famine Relief and the provision of Soup Kitchens.