
Record Date: 
28 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Here lyeth the Body of Francis Devlin late of the Royal Tyrone Militia who departed this life June the 26th 1811 aged 28 years

Grave location
People commemorated: 

This is a small R.S. reused as paving in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The top of the slab is decorated with two disk-like motifs, each containing whirligig-type ornaments. In the middle also in low false relief, there is an arch-shaped feature inside of which there are a Masonic set square and dividers. The letter "G" (incised) occurs above this. The lettering is incised and the stone seems to be complete. The slab is now worn. For other stones with Masonic Symbols see Nos. 186 and 219. / Fleetwood Berry (1912 A), 4 gives part of this inscription and a rough sketch of the Masonic Symbols on it. It would appear that this stone was in the graveyard when Fleetwood Berry compiled his list. It was probably repositioned when the Blessed Sacrament Chapel was re-roofed and re-paved. Cat. No. 314. One of three stones with Masonic symbols at St. Nicholas'. (See also Nos. 186 and 219). Drawing by Jennifer McKenna.