
Record Date: 
16 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Here lies the body of JOHN BONHAM of the City of Dublin / Esquire who died 29th January. 1 781 aged 77 years. / Also the bodies of his father and mother, and grandfather / and grandmother, and was rebuilt and embellished by his / affectionate wife and tender children. / Also the body of Mrs. SUSAN BONHAM the beloved wife/of said JOHN BONHAM Esqr. who departed this life 21st / Janry. 1809 aged 89
As a tender and affectionate / parent her loss
is sensibly felt by her family / and Friends / Also RICHARD PAUL BONHAM Esq1 Died / December 30^ 1807 aged 46 Years / Here Rests From All his worldly trouble / JOSHUA PAUL MEREDITH Esqr who Died 28t^ October / 1812 Aged 56 Years. He was a tender Father / In memory of FRANCIS WARREN BONHAM eldest Son of / JOHN and SUSAN BONHAM a truly good man died / Sep 9 1810 aged 70 and was
Entered in a Vault in / the old burying ground of Mary le Bone
London / Here lies the body of JOHN BONHAM Eldest Son of FRANCIS WARREN and MARY ANNE BONHAM Sheriff of the County / of Kildare MD AD 1835 and a Magistrate of the same / County an affectionate Husband and Kind Father / died 24 Nov 1844 Aged 75 years /
Also the body of MARGARET BONHAM the Wife of the above named /
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JOHN BONHAM she died 26 May 1848 Aged 82 years / a devoted Wife affectionate Parent and Kind Friend / She was beloved by all / Also the body of MARY BONHAM Grand Daughter of the above named / JOHN BONHAM and second Daughter of (JOHN and BARBARA BONHAM) / a most
amiable and dutiful Child died July 4th 1819 / Aged 19 years.

Grave location
People commemorated: 