Coordinates: 53.332251, -8.077569
Graveyard Code:
RMP/Site number:
Moore South
Number of Memorials:
Coordinates: 53.332251, -8.077569
Photo | Grave | Name | Surname |
RO-MOSO-0026 |
RO-MOSO-0027 |
RO-MOSO-0028 |
RO-MOSO-0029 |
RO-MOSO-0030 |
RO-MOSO-0031 |
RO-MOSO-0032 |
RO-MOSO-0033 |
RO-MOSO-0034 |
RO-MOSO-0035 |
RO-MOSO-0036 |
RO-MOSO-0037 |
RO-MOSO-0038 |
RO-MOSO-0039 |
RO-MOSO-0040 |
RO-MOSO-0041 |
RO-MOSO-0042 |
RO-MOSO-0043 |
RO-MOSO-0044 |
RO-MOSO-0045 |
RO-MOSO-0046 |
RO-MOSO-0047 |
RO-MOSO-0048 |
RO-MOSO-0049 |
RO-MOSO-0050 |
Surveyed by the Moore History Group as part of a project funded by the Heritage Council.
The church of Moore (RO054-024001) is situated towards the S edge of a large circular ecclesiastical enclosure (RO054-024003). The ecclesiastical enclosure is now bisected by a road. The graveyard is located on the N side of the enclosure.Moore south graveyard is bordering a road in a south facing slope in a area of fertile grasslands. Tully castle is situated some 900m to the south west. Its a roughly d shaped graveyard (east/west c.90m, north-south c.50m), enclosed by a dry limestone boundary wall. Main access to the graveyard is through a iron gate flanked by two mortared limestone pillars centrally placed in the south wall. Within the graveyard a variety of grave types are present including a number of extremely large vertical slabs, some of which reach a height of 2m.
Local stone masons may have used the rich limestone of the Kidlawn and Clonmacnoise quarries to make the grave memorials. Memorial no. 113 displays an ornate tradesman symbol, memorial no. 114 displays a cross and lamb as a symbol of Christ and no. 119 displays a peacock representing the Resurrection with gaelic script ‘beannnas’ at the base of memorial. The oldest recording is memorial no. 147, the death of Honer Farrell in 1726. This memorial has the stone mason’s initials engraved in the lower right corner.
While we have made every effort to achieve accuracy in attaching maiden names and villages to memorials, we accept there may be mistakes. If a reader detects discrepancies or inaccuracies with inscription or footnote, please email us your observations at . A mapboard displaying alphabetical index of memorials is on display at graveyard entrance & included in the photos here.