Coordinates: 53.155000, -7.141000
Graveyard Code:
RMP/Site number:
Loughmansland Glebe

A visual representation of the frequency of surnames:

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The graveyard is in rural area, surrounded by low-lying pasture fields, north of the Grand Canal. The site is marked on 1841 OS map as 'Lea Church (in ruins)' and on 1908 map as 'Lea Church (site of)'. Graveyard has rectangular shape; boundary wall intact, 65m north to south, 58m east to west and c. 1.75 m high. No paths; access through arched gate and stile in west wall from tree lined laneway. Ground surface uneven due to concealed features. Grass cover high, graveyard neglected. Secondary woodland has developed here from three older trees ie. two sycamore (Acer sp.) and one lime (Tilia sp.) tree. Ruins located c. 400m east of Lea Castle.
Graveyard contains ruins of medieval church. Ruins very overgrown and simply consist of wall foundations of no discernible pattern. The RMP records the presence of wall foundations at the centre of the graveyard. However a possible trace of a wall fragment is located in the west side of the graveyard. In 1809 the site was abandoned when a new Church of Ireland church was built in Rathmiles.
The graveyard is overgrown, but visibly contains 19th century headstones and a few 18th century memorials. A few headstones are upright, most are leaning, collapsed or damaged. Some railed and table tombs visible beneath overgrowth. Recumbent slabs, low coped tombs, table tombs and chest tombs are also visible. The earliest memorial dates to 1761 and commemorates Gearge Sauage. Although there are memorials throughout the graveyard and it is very overgrown, there appears to be a tendency for the 18th century headstones to be located on the south side of the church.
Surveyed in November 2020 as part of a project proposed by the Lea Castle Conservation Project, supported by Laois County Council and funded through the Community Monument Fund 2020.