

Coordinates: 52.480620, -7.935200

Graveyard Code: 
RMP/Site number: 
TS068-026002- & TS068-026003-
Number of Memorials: 


Dangandargan is located three miles southwest of the town of Cashel and is in the parish of Cashel and Rosegreen, Co. Tipperary. The name designates both a civil parish and a townland. Dangandargan derives its name from the Irish “Daingion” meaning “Fort” and Dargan is called after a clan of Dargan’s that lived around this area. The “Liber Regalis Visitationis” mentions the church and graveyard as belonging to Athassel Abbey in Golden, Tipperary.

The site is situated in a rural area approximately 500 yards off the Golden Road (2 ½ miles from Golden) from New Inn, and is approached by way of a field, lying 50m to the North, by way of a cut stone “two legged” stile with a coffin rest in the centre.

Description of the Boundary Wall: The boundary wall, rectangular in shape, is made of limestone capped by concrete on its upper course, and is in good appearance, including dressed stone fabric, and of sound condition (unlike its state of dilapidation mentioned in the O.S survey of 1840). This is because part of the church fabric, according to local sources, was used later to repair it. The wall measures approximately 57m  (East wall) x 48m (North wall). It contains the same type of entrance in its South wall, as the field entrance, and a “leg-over” entrance in its East wall. The latter, according to local opinion was once its main entrance and leads to a cutting through the enclosure back to the graveyard.

Description of Enclosure: There is a level area (varying form 1-2 M’s) within the church wall boundary before the ground rises to a bank and interior basined depression in which the graveyard and church sits. The bank raises to approximately 2 ½ M high externally and 1 ½ M internally, and the interior depression measures approximately 19M East to West, and 29M North to South. A possible entrance lies in its North-West corner. The site was very overgrown with long grass, nettles, brambles and various shrubs until the initiative in 1992 to restore the graveyard took place.

In 2014 the boundary wall was in some disrepair and work was completed to rebuild part of this boundary wall.

Description of the Church and Graveyard: There are approximately 63 gravestones, including table-tomb, some modern Celtic cross headstones and also some 3 foot/famine stones. One of the earliest graves is dated to 1776. A few horizontal and one vertical gravestone have collapsed. A barren area lies North of the church, measuring approximately 12 x 24 M.

Description of Church: The church, standing North-West of Centre in the enclosure is in ruins. Approximate measurements are 4M X 15M. The East and West walls stands approximately 2 ½ M high. A number of gravestones lie within the ruins and just at the front of the church.

Survey documents


Photo Grave Name Surname
  • Unknown
  • John
  • Shanahan
  • Thomas
  • Burk
  • Matthew
  • Guidery
  • Mary
  • Guidery
  • Micheal
  • Fogarty
  • William
  • Heffernan
  • Patrick
  • Leamy
  • Darby
  • Sullivan
  • Unknown
  • Margaret
  • Carrie
  • Unknown
