Gloria In Excelsis Deo
Erected by Edmond Tyne of Foilecamen
in memory of his Father John Tyne
who departed this life
December 7th 1841 aged 74 years Also
his wife Mary Tyne Nee McDonnell and their son
John Tyne Oldtown who died March 22nd 1891
Aged 76 years and his children John, Mary and
Two children who died young.
Also ELEN TYNE (nee LEE) wife of
JOHN TYNE, Oldtown.
Their son WILLIAM died 1st Feb. 1952.
His wife JOHANNA (nee JOYCE)
Died 1st Aug. 1954.
Their son JOHN TYNE, Clonora
who died 17th September 2009 aged 84 years.
JOHN gave a lifetime to the Church and Community
especially The Pioneers and Fianna Fail.
May they rest in peace. Amen