Jack ‘The Duck’ McCarthy was Mary O' Reilly's Grand Uncle. Called The Duck because he had webbed toes (another informant said he was called 'the Duck' as he used to drink 'like a duck'. He was at sea when young and worked for Teapes at Norrises when he got back to Sherkin. He moved back home to Denny Carthy’s house (now home of Fr Des O' Driscoll) in Slievemore when old. He used to take Mary O' Reilly (nee McCarthy) ‘fi-looing’ (Irish word spelled phonetically) for Pollack off Cuas Dearg (inlet north of Trá Cú) when she was a child.
(Informant: Mary O' Reilly. St .Anne's Nursing Home, Skibbereen, August, 2015)