
Record Date: 
2 October 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

?? Number St. Mogue - Pray for the soul of John Maga / hran who departed this life / October 31st 1784 aged 58 years. / Also his father Edmund Magah / ran who departed this life May / the 6th 1763 aged 82 years and / both late of Corcanidos. / Also of his only child Margaret wife of Hugh / O’Reilly of Annagh Esqr withdrawn at 34 / years of age to the irreparable calamity of / her family. Also of her 2 infants / Isabella & Agnes O’Reilly & of her mother / Elizabeth the last votary of St Madoc / DivusTutelaris utriusque Brefiniae / who died aged 80 in 1809./This stone has been cut by Isabella Cusack / otherwise O’Reilly from love and gratitude / to. The best of mother 1859. (A horizontal slab-stone. The first four lines of the inscription are difficult to decipher). / /

Grave location