This tablet was erected by her friends, in order to recall
The memory of
Fanny D'Arcy,
Daughter of John Bellingham, Esq. of Castlebellingham,
Conty of Louth,
Wife of the Rev. Hyacinth D'Arcy,
Rector of this parish,
Born 4th. of May, 1808.
Died at Clifden, 26th. of June, 1854.
She lived as an example of abiding confidence in
"The everlasting covenant
ordered in all things and sure;"
She laboured incessantly to make known the blessings of that covenant
For the spiritual regeneration of her native Ireland.
She died, leaving a message to her countrymen
by which
"She being dead yet speaketh,"
Charging them, that, in all things they should make
Christ first - Christ last - Christ all.
She leaves this legacy to you.